
Want to learn more about Jabusun Contractors? Here are answers to our most commonly asked questions.

Jabusun Contractors is based if Braamfischerville, Rodepoort, but we have projects that span the Gauteng and surrounding areas. We consistently work on construction projects in Mpumanga, kwazulu Natal, Free State Limpompo and East London. With that said, the strong relationships we’ve created with our clients often pull us into new regions, and we don’t rule out traveling outside our current service area.

We offer residential, commercial and public construction services that fit with-in a variety of delivery methods, including design-build, general contracting. We specialize in the general contracting method because it aligns well with our values and emphasis on teamwork, client advocacy, and streamlined project vision. However, we have extensive experience in all of the delivery methods and are happy to provide you with construction services that fit your needs and goals.

Depending on which stage of the construction process are you in, whether you on the conception stage or you have plans already. We will help you work out a plan that will best suit your project. To get started on your project today, schedule your free consultation with Jabusun Contractors.

Your construction project’s duration will vary greatly depending on several project-specific factors, like the project’s size and complexity. Smaller projects may be completed in a few weeks or months. Larger projects can take several months or years. Regardless, your project’s schedule should be clearly communicated and remain updated throughout the process.

Just like your project’s duration, cost will vary greatly with project’s size and complexity. Once you have determined which delivery method you are planning to utilize, you will be able to start narrowing down the cost range. We offer free consultations to help you gather the information you need to start figuring out your project’s roadmap and cost, contact us via our contact page or give us a call.

Selecting a firm to run your project is an important decision. A great way to ensure you’re selecting the right construction team is to take a look at their past projects and references. You want to ensure you are selecting a team that can replicate their success, deliver your project on time and on budget.
But choosing a construction team should go beyond price. Factors such as company stability, areas of expertise, values, safety, and methodology are also important considerations. The best contractor may not have the lowest bid, but they will certainly provide the best value. And above all, remember that your project and the resulting building is a large investment: you want to select a team that you feel confident with and can trust.

No matter how far along you are in your construction project’s planning process, consulting with industry experts can help steer your project towards success. Whether you’re looking for guidance, are unsure if you have the resources to pursue your project, or you’re ready to start the process, Jabusun Contractors is here to help.

Just fill out the form and we’ll get back to you to set up a time to talk. There’s no cost to chat about your project, and there’s no pressure to move ahead with us or the project. 

Typically, we work on projects that are within the R10,000 – R10,000,000 range. We have in-house talent and a network of subcontractors who are well-experienced and prepared to handle large projects. That said, we don’t shy away from “smaller” projects. We have a specified team of construction professionals experienced in the intricacies of projects of this size. Regardless of size, we ensure each project is allotted the talent and attention required to complete it successfully.

Jabusun prefers to supply both labour and materials. This us give us better control over the flow and project quality. We prefer to take the hassle out of the project and let out clients focus on enjoying watching the process of bringing to life.

Please reach out to us either through our website’s contact form or give us a call.